Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Great Book Titles...

...all taken from the place where I work, and where I've worked for the last twelve years or so, University College Dublin Library.

It's pretty much the best job a guy could ask for, and twelve years haven't dulled my sense of wonder at being surrounded by hundreds of thousands of books all day long. Each one is a little world in itself, and I thrill to think how a mere inch on the shelf separates two completely different mental landscapes.

Many of the books have wonderful titles. There are the ones that spring to mind right now. I think titles can be pure magic.

The Loved Body's Corruption: Archaeological Contributions to the Study of Human Mortality edited by Jane Downes, 1999

Boys and Girls Forever: Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter by Alison Lurie, 2001. (I find this title impossibly poignant.)

Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life, by Phillippe Aries, 1965

The World That Came in from the Cold: Perspectives from East and West on the Cold War by Gabriel Partos, 1993

The Graham Greene Film Reader : Mornings in the Dark, edited by David Parkinson, 1993

Let the Church Sing! : Music and Worship in a Black Mississippi Community by Thérèse Smith, 2004

The Parade's Gone By Kevin Brownlow, 1968 (a book about silent movies)

My Indecision is Final : the Rise and Fall of Goldcrest Films by Jake Eberts, Terry Ilott, 1990

There are more, but I can't think of them right now.

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